Emily R. Fuller – Résumé |
2019 |
David M. Hunt Library, Falls Village, Connecticut |
2016 |
Montage, Millerton, New York |
2015 |
Millbrook Library, Millbrook, New York |
2012 |
Warner Gallery, Millbrook School, Millbrook, New York
2011 |
Gallery One Twenty Eight, New York City, New York |
2009 |
Sharon Town Hall, Sharon, Connecticut |
2005 |
Mabbettsville Gallery, Mabbettsville, New York |
1992 |
Bergen Museum of Art & Science, Paramus, New Jersey |
1988 |
Stamford Museum & Nature Center, Art/Ex Gallery, Stamford, Connecticut |
1981 |
Cardet Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida |
1980 |
Frank Marino Gallery, New York, New York |
1979 |
55 Mercer, New York, New York |
1978 |
55 Mercer, New York, New York |
1977 |
Webb & Parsons, Bedford Village, New York
Soho 20, New York, New York |
1972 |
55 Mercer, New York, New York |
2018 |
Group Show David M. Hunt Library, Falls Village, CT |
2015 |
Group Show, Carter Burden Gallery, New York, New York |
2010 |
Group Show, Hotchkiss Library of Sharon, CT |
2006 |
Group Show, Mabbettsville Gallery, Mabbettsville, New York |
2003 |
“Smaller Than A Bread Box, “A Small Works Show”, Morgan Lehman Gallery Lakeville, CT |
1996 |
“A Woman’s Place: Artists’ Reflection of Their Culture”, The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ
“Archeology of the Spirit”1, Gallery Brocken, Tokyo, Japan
“Archeology of the Spirit”, Small Works Group Show, Cortland Jessup Gallery, Provincetown, MA |
1995 |
“Paintings from the Collection”, Bergen Museum of Art & Science, Paramus, NJ |
1993 |
“Perceptions: Black/White/Color”, Bologna Landi Gallery, East Hampton, New York |
1992 |
“Group Show”, Bergen Museum of Art & Science, Paramus, NJ |
1991 |
Bergen Museum of Art & Science, Paramus, NJ
“Winter Salon”, Rempire Gallery, New York, NY |
1990 |
“Fall Exhibition”, Pan-Am Building mezzanine windows, Exhibition Program sponsored by Metropolitan Life, New York, NY
“New Talent”, Foxhall Gallery, Washington, D.C. |
1989 |
“From the Garden”, curated by Bruce Brown, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport , Maine |
1988 |
Ann Reed Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho |
1985 |
“Fifth Holiday Invitational Exhibit”, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, New York
“Artists’ Toys & Ornaments”, Vanderwoude Tananbaum Gallery, New York, New York
“Community Artscape ’85 “, Hebrew Union College, New York, New York |
1984 |
“Neue Stofflichkeit” (New Materialism), Frauen Museum, Bonn, Germany |
1984 |
Reynold Kerr Gallery, New York, New York |
1983 |
“55 Mercer/12 Years, An Anniversary Exhibition”, 55 Mercer, New York, New York |
1982 |
Wenniger Graphics, Boston, Massachusetts
“Mixed Bag”, Alternative Museum, New York, New York |
1981 |
“Two & Three Dimensions”, Frank Marino Gallery, New York, New York |
1980 |
Aaron Berman Gallery, New York, New York
C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland
Dubins Gallery, Los Angeles, California
“Twelve Using Paper”, Frank Marino Gallery, New York, New York |
1979 |
“Gold”, Penthouse, Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
“The Fine Line”, Kathryn Markel Gallery, New York, New York
“Solo Press Impressions”, Walters Hall Art Gallery, Douglass College,
Rutgers University, New Brunswich, New Jersey
“Highlights 1979-80”, Frank Marino Gallery, New York, New York
“Gifts of Drawings: European Acquisitions, American Acquisitions”, Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
“Art on Paper”, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina
“Paper Plus”, Frank Marino Gallery, New York, New York |
1978 |
“Solo Press, Solo Show”, Nobe Gallery, New York, New York
“Paper as Medium”, Smithsonian Institute Traveling Exhibition Service
“New Work for the New Year”, Penthouse, Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
“Work on Paper”, Theodore Lyman Wright Art Center, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
1977 “Art in Transition: A Century of the Museum School”, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
“Feminie-Dialogue, de la Coutre a la Peintre”, UNESCO, Paris, France |
1975 |
“Soft Sculpture”, Living Arts Center Gallery, Dayton, Ohio
“Soft Sculpture” Akron Arts Institute, Akron, Ohio
Deson-Zaks Gallery, Chicago, Illinois |
1973 |
Webb & Parson, Bedford Village, New York |
1972 |
“Contemporary Reflections”, Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Webb & Parson, Bedford Village, New York |
THE LAKEVILLE JOURNAL, February 7, 2019, "The Art of Highly Concentrated Artworks" by Patrick Sullivan
LIVING MILLBROOK MAGAZINE, February 2016, page 15, "Emily Fuller’s Paintings Capture the Beauty of Dutchess County" by Carola Lott
THE MILLERTON NEWS, Sept. 9, 2015, page 8, "Seeing The Familiar In A New Light: Emily Fuller Exhibit At Library" by Judith O’hara Balfe
THE MILLBROOK INDEPENDENT, Sept. 9, 2015, on line edition, by Carola Lott, ARTS, "Emily Rutgers Fuller At The Millbrook Library"
THE MILLBROOK INDEPENDENT, November 25, 2009, page 3, “Emily Fuller Shows Landscapes At Sharon Town Hall" Nov. 23
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Westchester Section, Sunday, November 26, 2006, page 16
Catalogue, Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, New Jersey 1996, p. 9 & 19
Vivian Raynor, “Defining A Woman’s Place in the World As the Very Center of Life”, THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sunday October 20, 1996
Ariane Grigeteit, TRADITION & ZIETGEIST, Deutsche Bank North America, New York, New York 1995, p. 131
Sheridan Sansegundo, “At The Galleries”, THE EAST HAMPTON STAR, May 20 1993, Section 2, East Hampton, Long Island, New York
Eileen Watkins, “Art”, THE SUNDAY STAR LEDGER, October 25, 1992, Section 4 p. 17, Newark, New Jersey
Linde Rohr-Bongard, “Schoner Schein” (Cash Art), CAPITAL, das Deutsche Wirtschaftsmagazin, June, 1991, p. 255-258, Cologne, Germany
COMMUNITY ARTSCAPE ’85 Catalogue, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, New York, 1985
NEUE STOFFLICHKEIT (“New Materialism”) Catalogue, Frauen Museum, Bonn, Bonn, West Germany, 1984
Uta M. Reindl, “Neue Stofflichkeit”, (New Materialism”), MAGAZIN KUNST en HANDWERK, August/September, 1984, p. 208 & 209
Sylvia Kuck, “Ein Seelenhaus” and Skulpturen aus Seide”, KOLNER STADT ANZEIGER-Nr 190/7, 17 August 1984, Cologne, West Germany
Monika Olbort, “Schillernde Vielfalt der Kunst-Stoffe”, AACH NER NACH RICHTEN, AN/Nr. 199, 28 August 1984, Aachen, West Broadway
Jurgen Raap, “Kulter mit Bonn, Neue Stofflichkeit”, MAGAZIN SCHAUPLATZ, September, 1984, p, 72, Cologne, West Germany
“Seelenhaus und Torse aus Stoff”, KILNER STADT-ANZIEGER-Nr. 187/ST 25, 14 August, 1984, Cologne, West Germany
“Viele Vertreter der Neuen Stofflichkeit”, BONNER RUNDSCAU, 30 July 1984, Bonn, West Germany
Lawrence Alloway, Joseph Masheck, Kathryn Kramer, 55 MERCER/12 years
Catalogue, 55 Mercer, New York, New York, 1983, p.31
MIXED BAG Catalogue, Alternative Museum, New York, New York, 1982, p. 14
Jane M. Farmer, PAPER AS MEDIUM Catalogue, Smithsonian Institue
Traveling Exhibition Service, 1978-80, p. 6, p.32
John Russell, “Art: New Drawings at the Modern”, NEW YORK TIMES, August
10, 1979
Michael Florescu, “Emily Fuller”, ARTS MAGAZINE, April, 1979, p.14
James F. Tucker, ART ON PAPER 1979 Catalogue, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina
FEMINIE DIALOGUE 77 Catalogue, UNESCO, Paris, France, December, 1977
Barbara Cavalier “Reviews”. WOMANART, Fall, 1977, p. 30
Ellen Lubel, “Reviews”, ARTS MAGAZINE, October, 1977, p. 24
Catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, 1977, p. 82
Barbara Schwartz, “Exhibitions, New York, Sculpture”, CRAFT HORIZONS, April, 1975, p. 86
Susan Heineman, “Reviews”, ARTFORUM, April, 1974, p. 78-9
Elizabeth Weatherford, “Ms. On the Arts”, MS MAGAZINE, May, 1973, p. 30
CONTEMPORARY REFLECTIONS Catalogue, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, April, 1972
Bill Beckley, “Reviews”, ART NEWS, Summer, 1972, p. 19
Andrea Mikotajuk, “Reviews”, ART MAGAZINE. Summer, 1972, p. 67
Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
Bergen Museum of Art, & Science, Paramus, New Jersey
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
University of Maine at Machias Art Galleries, Machias, Maine
Miami Dade Public Library System, Miami, Florida
Prudential Insurance Co. of America, New York, New York
Security Pacific National Bank, Los Angeles, California
International Business Machines Corp. New York, New York
Deutsche Back A. G., New York, New York
European American Bank, New York, New York
Citibank, New York, New York
Berliner, Handels, Gesellschaft Frankfurter Bank, New York, New York
Elf Petroleum Corp. New York, New York
Union Bank of Bavaria, New York, New York
Reader’s Digest, Pleasantville, New York
Freeport Minerals Corp., New York, New York
Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp., Toledo, Ohio
Amerada-Hess Corp., New York, New York
Lehman Brothers, New York, New York
Continental Group, Stamford, Connecticut
Sidney Lewis Corporate Collection, Richmond, Virginia
Shearson/American Express, New York, New York
U.S. Health Care, Paramus, New Jersey
Karen H. Bechtel, Pine Plains, New York
Jack & Irene Banning, Stamfordville, New York
Philip Isles, New York, New York
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Gund, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Oakleigh Thorne, Millbrook, New York |
1998-99 School of Visual Arts, New York, New York
1968-69 Art Student’s League, New York, New York
1966 B.S. in Art Ed., Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
1962-66 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
1962 Assoc. B.S., Garland Junior College, Boston Massachusetts |
Copyright ©2007– Emily Rutgers Fuller. All Rights Reserved.